Welcome! This Forum supports students of the usRAP online courses offered through Iowa State University. Here you can post questions for the usRAP team, interact with other users and trainees, and get more information about the program. To get started, you will need to set up a Forum account. You can register here.
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The U.S. Road Assessment Program: A Proactive Approach to Data-Driven Safety Analysis and Planning
This course is intended for prospective users of usRAP and senior staff who are considering whether a usRAP project is right for their agency. It covers the history of usRAP, the research basis for its protocols, the process of conducting a usRAP study, and the outputs from usRAP's ViDA software. Participants will learn what is required to conduct a usRAP project (data, labor, etc.), and how the program's star ratings and safer roads investment plans can provide a rational assessment of risk as a basis for informed decisionmaking.
Please note: this page only contains the Forum that supports the course. If you are interested in enrolling in the training itself, please visit the Iowa State University site.

usRAP Coding: A Complete Course on Data Preparation
Pursuing a usRAP project? Coding road attributes from photo/video data is a key first step. This course covers the process of preparing the data that is needed by the ViDA software in order to generate star ratings and safer roads investment plans. Participants will be introduced to the usRAP Coding Manual and coding tool, and will be given thorough overviews of the 50+ road attributes analyzed by the usRAP protocols. This course is also appropriate for coding supervisors.
Please note: this page only contains the Forum that supports the course. If you are interested in enrolling in the training itself, please visit the Iowa State University site.